Let’s look at the main principles that should be followed when choosing Keto diet food products.
1. Basically choose healthy food and reduce the consumption of unhealthy, so-called junk food, products.
2. Keep track of your carbohydrate intake, paying particular attention to the number of pure carbohydrates.
3. Choose lean protein products. However, if your diet lacks fat, you can also quietly include more fatty protein products.
4. Although the keto diet requires that the most part of the menu be devoted to fat-rich dishes, not all fats are good for your health. You should avoid trans fats. They are artificially obtained by transforming vegetable fats (oils) and can raise the level of ‘bad cholesterol’. If you see the description of its ingredients (including hidden under the words “hydrogenated” and “semi-hydrogenated vegetable oils”) on the labels of foodstuffs, it is better to put them back on the shelf.
5. Keep track of what supplements you use when preparing your meal. It is very easy to convert a low carbohydrate meal into a high carbohydrate meal, adding only a few inappropriate ingredients.
Recommended Keto diet food products:
Fish. Various types of fish, including fatty fish, such as salmon.
Meat. It is better to choose lean pieces, but without reproaches of conscience, it is also permissible to go bolder.
Starch-free vegetables and salads. Choose vegetables with a low content of pure carbohydrates, such as cabbage, broccoli, onion, spinach, leaf salad, etc.
Avocados and berries. Any kind of fruit (canned, fresh or frozen) does not really fit into the diet due to its relatively high content of pure carbohydrates. Of course, there are some exceptions. One of them is avocado, which should even be very preferred for followers of the keto diet. Avocado contains a lot of healthy fats and just a few grams of pure carbohydrates. From time to time you can eat a handful of berries. They will be like a healthy treat!
Oils. Don’t drink oil for spoons! Used in various types of oils as an additive in salads, meal preparation, etc.
Dairy products. You can choose low and sometimes high fat dairy products. Although some complain that they stop weight loss. You’ll have to look at it individually.
Eggs. They are rich in fats and proteins, and at the same time hardly contain carbohydrates. Eggs are a great product for those who adhere to the keto diet.
Nuts and seeds. Also, these products are preferred in the keto diet plan, but remember that some of them contain relatively high amounts of carbohydrates. Pacchet with you, how much and what it contains before including in the menu!
Black chocolate. From time to time you can eat a piece of black chocolate with a cocoa content of 70 % or more.
Drinks. Water, coffee and tea without sugar, coconut milk and other unsweetened beverages.
It’s Time to Start Keto Diet
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