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Simple free Keto Diet Meal Plan

  • Post category:Keto Diet
  • Reading time:7 mins read

The Keto diet is one of the most effective methods of weight loss, however, it differs very much from the classic dietary recommendations. So we have collected a set of the necessary information on how to compose a ketogenic diet menu. We suggest what recipes to use, what can be eaten on a keto diet and what exactly this diet helps.

Ketogenic diet recipes — what to eat on keto?

Ketogenic diet is also called the keto diet, and commonly and briefly just keto is an alternative diet in which the breakdown of macronutrients is completely different than on classic diets. The recipe for a keto diet is about 60-75 % energy from fats, 20-35 % energy from protein and no more than 50 g of carbohydrates. Such a low amount of carbohydrates is responsible for putting the body into a state of ketosis, in which the body’s primary source of energy becomes ketone bodies produced in the metabolism of fats, not glucose produced during carbohydrate metabolism. Before we go to the ready-made simple keto meal plan recipes, let’s look at what to eat on keto and what products are prohibited.

What can you eat on keto?

Every ketogenic diet recipe (keto) is based on fat, and the additional ingredient is protein. Unlike classic nutritional recommendations, where carbohydrates are the primary source of energy, products on a ketogenic diet practically do not contain carbohydrates at all. What to eat on a ketogenic diet (ketosis)?

  • meat — beef, pork, offal, chicken, turkey, meat preparations — quality sausages, sausages, sausages, bacon,
  • fatty fish — salmon, tuna, herring, mackerel, sardine, anchovy,
  • seafood,
  • eggs,
  • butter, sweet cream,
  • cheeses,
  • nuts and stones,
  • oils — olive oil, coconut oil, linseed oil, rapeseed oil,
  • avocado,
  • low carbohydrate vegetables — green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, eggplant, asparagus, olives,
  • berries in small quantities — strawberries, raspberries, berries, currants.

What should not include ketogenic diet recipes?

The list of products banned for keto includes:

  • cereal and flour products — bread, pancakes, groats, rice, cereal flakes, maize,
  • potatoes and whips,
  • high carbohydrate vegetables — artichokes, parsnips, green peas,
  • leguminous seeds — beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas,
  • fruits with high sugar content — mandarins, oranges, pineapples, bananas, apples, pears, grapes, mangoes, nectarines, peaches,
  • sweetened soda and still drinks, fruit juices, fruit cocktails, sports drinks, beer, sweet and semi-sweet wine, drinks, sweet tea, sweet coffee,
  • sweets,
  • ready sauces, ketchups.

Interesting and simple keto meal plan recipes of ketogenic diet

There are plenty of ketogenic diet recipes. In principle, it is not difficult to eat according to keto rules. From most lunch dishes, simply eliminate carbohydrates (potatoes, rice, groats or pasta) and increase the amount of meat and vegetables. Breakfast without bread is not a big problem either. Eggs can be used in dozens of breakfast keto recipes for omelettes, frittats, boiled eggs, fried eggs. But what if you really want cheese rolls and tomato rolls? Or a pancake? What to replace pasta for bolognese sauce? Won’t you eat any cake on a keto diet? Check out the ketogenic diet recipes for meals that perfectly pretend carbohydrates.

28-Day Keto Diet Plan

Ketogenic recipe for rolls

Ingredients: 150 g almond flour, 80 g shell of ovate cupcake powder, 60 g coconut flour, 75 g ground linseed, 2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar, 1 teaspoon of baking soda, 1 teaspoon of salt, 8 egg whites, 2 glasses of summer water, sesame to sprinkle

Preparation: Preheat the oven to 175 degrees. Mix thoroughly the dry ingredients in a bowl (almond flour, coconut, flaxseed, powder from the shell of the grandmother, baking soda, and salt). Add egg proteins, vinegar, and water, and then mix thoroughly. Lay the sheet out with baking paper and form rolls on it. Sprinkle with sesame on top. Keep the space between the rolls because they will grow during baking. Bake in the oven for 45-50 minutes. If the buns come out too damp, they can be dried in the oven for 40-60 minutes at 100 degrees.

Ketogenic diet — menu

How to create a ketogenic diet menu? The main thing is to remember to eliminate sources of carbohydrates other than vegetables. What about keto fruit? From time to time you can eat berries, but you need to be careful not to exceed the limit of 50 g of carbohydrates per day.

The keto menu doesn‘t have to be difficult, it doesn’t have to be fancy or monotonous. See what a weekly menu of simple keto meal plan can look like, which will help you create your own meal compositions.

Simple keto meal plan diet (weekly recipes)

Day 1
breakfast: 2 eggs planted fried on butter, 3 slices of bacon fried on crispy, tomatoes with chives
lunch: roasted pork ribs in cabbage
dinner: peppers stuffed with chicken, mushrooms with onions and cheese, sprinkled with parsley

Day 2
breakfast: Keto rolls covered with butter with yellow cheese, sausage, lettuce and tomato
lunch: loin cutlets fried on lard in breadcrumbs of almond flour and shells of ovate cupcake + cauliflower puree + pulp with cream and chives
dinner: frittata of 2-3 eggs with peppers and ham fried on coconut oil

Day 3
breakfast: scrambled with 3 eggs fried on butter with smoked chicken breast and yellow cheese patch + cherry tomato rucola sprinkled with olive oil
lunch: Keto pasta with shrimp, garlic, cream and parsley
dinner: Thai soup with chicken, asparagus beans, peppers on coconut milk with added curry paste

Day 4
breakfast: 3 boiled eggs, mackerel paste with onions, pickled cucumbers
lunch: roasted chicken legs + roasted vegetables — zucchini, peppers, carrots covered with olive oil
dinner: Keto pancakes with peanut butter without sugar with coconut shavings and nuts

Day 5
breakfast: omelet of 3 eggs and 1 tablespoons of coconut flour fried on coconut oil + smoked salmon, handful of spinach leaves, tomato sprinkled with olive oil
lunch: chicken liver fried on rapeseed oil + stewed onion in cream sauce and mustard + pickles
dinner: roasted feta cheese with cherry tomatoes, poured with olive oil, sprinkled with basil and oregano + mix of lettuces sprinkled with olive oil

Day 6
breakfast: Keto pancakes with yellow cheese and mushrooms
lunch: nuggetsy with chicken breast fried on butter wrapped in breadcrumbs with almond flour and shells of ovate cupcake + coleslaw salad (without honey and sugar!)
dinner: baked trout + sauerkraut salad with carrots, onions and oil

Day 7
breakfast: omelet of 3 eggs and 1 tablespoons of coconut flour fried on coconut oil lubricated with sugar-free peanut butter, sprinkled with blueberries
lunch: bolognese sauce with zucchini noodles
dinner: salad mix salad, roasted chicken breast, avocado, cucumber, cherry tomatoes with olive oil sprinkled with roasted sunflower seeds

28-Day Keto Diet Plan

Ketosis — the effects of ketogenic diet

Currently, a ketogenic diet is chosen by many people as a way to slim down without hunger and obsessive thinking about eating. Such a nutrition program provides a feeling of satiety and it is easier to spontaneously reduce calories when meals contain a lot of fat. The effects of ketosis were originally used for a completely different purpose, namely in the treatment of drug-resistant epilepsy. Today, it is known that the ketogenic diet not only allows you to lose weight faster than other diets (especially compared to low-fat diets rich in carbohydrates with a low glycemic index for decades promoted as the most effective in the fight against obesity), but has a positive effect on health in many aspects.

Diet Effects in Ketosis

The opinions on the ketogenic diet are extremely different, from praising its slimming effect and therapeutic potential to judging of a high health risk and lack of effectiveness in weight loss. However, scientific studies clearly indicate the positive effects of a ketogenic diet. Ketosis is effective and safe, but must be handled properly. Therefore, before starting a keto diet, it is best to consult a nutritionist experienced in this topic.

Save Time with personalised simple Keto meal plan

We know planning meals in advance can be a stressful, tedious and time-consuming activity, especially when you’re busy or have had a long day at work or looking after children – only made harder when you’re trying to lose weight.

Thankfully, our Custom Meal Plan reduces all this and takes the guesswork out of the dreaded question, “What am I going to eat?” This in turn helps you stick to your plan and reach your goals rather sooner than later.

28-Day Keto Diet Plan