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How Meditation Can Be Used To Boost Your Keto Diet

This article will change your perception of keto mediation. We offer 10 suggestions on how to start meditating and how to become a calmer and happier person.

Depression, anxiety and stress are still the “modern” diseases of the 21st century. Work is becoming more demanding, but money remains less and less. All this leaves irreversible traces in our lives, but  keto meditation can change your life

Imagine that every period of your life is like a cord thread, but your mind is a pocket. We have all had a situation with headphones if they are thrown into the pocket and not arranged – they are easily entangled. The same thing happens with our thoughts.

If every emotion and thought is not properly thought out, our mind slowly entangles and becomes chaotic. Instead of paying all attention to one situation, we think about another thousand other things that have already been rooted in the mind before that.

Think for a moment whether any of the following situations apply to you:

your dinner with your family, but think only about work;
you read the book, but you need to repeat the page you have just read because you don’t concentrate;
you‘re watching a TV broadcast or a movie, but it should be rolled back because you didn’t pay attention to the storyline.
Do these situations sound familiar?

Don’t worry! It happens to everyone. Fortunately, it can be easily corrected with patience and work. Most people make the mistake of giving up prematurely because getting the mind in order is too difficult or takes too much time.

Claiming that you are not able to meditate because you do not have the patience or are too restless is the same as not going to the gym because you are not strong enough.

You meditate not because you are calm, but to become calm and patient.


What is the solution to all these mental problems?


Self-confidence is a condition when you are aware of yourself. It points to the present — this moment and lives in it, without worrying about what happened yesterday or what will happen later. You are now and here..

This is the best way to understand your emotions.

Our sorrow largely stems from their non-acceptance of our mental state. For example, when we are sad, we think that we do not want to grieve and how unfair it is to feel it. Instead, we should accept this emotion and deal with it. The reception will help the wave of sadness go much faster.

If we do not accept and suppress this state, then these oppressed emotions as unconscious thoughts can return at any moment.

The goal of meditation is not exactly to relieve you of all sorrows and sufferings, but it triggers the mechanism when it comes to ending stressful situations in the future.

Meditation and self-confidence is not a quick and easy process that will instantly make you happy and tasted 24/7. It takes time and work. It will not make you rejoicing, but will help to end with emotions.


No time….

You definitely thought there was not enough time to meditate…

What would you do if someone offered a pill that without side effects improves mood, health and ability to work?

Would you buy it and drink it? Surely!

This is exactly what keto meditation offers, just it is not a tablet. That’s why people do not accept meditation so easily, because it is not possible to take it as a tablet for breakfast.

This post will change your perception of keto mediation. We offer 10 suggestions on how to start meditating and how to become a calmer and happier person


How to start meditation to boost your keto diet?

1. Start with a little baby steps

Your first time of meditation should not be for hours. Start with 10 minutes a day and slowly increase your time. You couldn‘t run a marathon if you haven’t run up to 5 km at any time. You can also perform exercises with your body with your mind. Start with a little baby steps and slowly move forward.

2. Free up space for meditation

If you free up a room or room to meditate, then every time you enter this room, the mind will assume that it should be calm. Think about meditation as sleeping. You don’t sleep where it happens and at any time. You have a bedroom with a comfortable bed. The bedroom is decorated to sleep in it, and every time you enter it, the body understands that the sleep should be tuned. The same applies to meditation. Find a place in your house or apartment, place pillows and candles, make space for the mind and body cozy.

3. Don’t be too demanding to yourself

Starting meditation at first can be quite difficult. As I said, the mind is employed by thoughts that can interfere with meditation and prevent the mind from calming down. Assume that these thoughts will interfere, and turn to them to what extent they come to mind. Oppressing or ignoring them — you will only make the problem bigger. Ignoring thoughts is one of the reasons why the mind is chaotic. Use time to solve your problems and go further.

4. Use a timer

One of the biggest barriers to meditation is time. People start to worry that it will take too much time. You can simply insert meditation into your daily schedule and not spend more time than you need.

You can also use your mobile phone. Currently, special mobile applications have been developed to keep track of meditation sessions and time. For example, Insight Timer and Meditate for iPhone will help you count the time spent on meditation when you stop meditation and list previous meditation sessions.

5. Learn to sit

I know you thought: “I’m sitting all day! Of course, I know how to sit down!”. No one has any doubts that you may be sitting all the time, but probably it will not be suitable for meditation.

The main recommendations to sit correctly during meditation are the following:

  • keep your back straight. A straight upward posture promotes concentration, improves breathing and relieves pressure on the lower back;
  • do not worry about your own hands;
  • leave your eyes open or close as you prefer;
  • hold your head straight or slightly down;
  • cross your legs as more convenient for you. You can choose where to sit — in bed, on a chair or floor and let your feet whale.
28-Day Keto Diet Plan

6. Focus on intervals instead of full length

Meditate 105 minutes in one day is not the same as meditating for 15 minutes every day. It is better to meditate a little, but regularly not to take a long session in one day.

You can, of course, sometimes meditate longer than other times. Don’t worry about it! Do how much you can and when you can. You should not experience coercion to meditate, because it will only cause additional stress, and we try to get rid of it.

7. Count to improve concentration

Do you have trouble concentrating on your breath? For most people, this can be a minor problem if not done before. Counting inhales and exhalations is a great and easy way to improve concentration. You can count 5 or 10 seconds as more convenient for you. Select the number, count until then and then start again.

8. Record the moment you lose your attention

Make a note in the head at the moment when the mind begins to get away with other thoughts during meditation. Exhalation is one of those moments when thoughts can dissipate, so pay attention to it. As soon as you have realised what causes the loss of attention, you will be able to prevent this situation in the future.

9. Be aware of the keto meditation benefits 

I know, I know — you’ve already heard of all the great qualities of meditation! However, knowing the benefits, it will be easier to include meditation in your daily plan.

Sleep — meditation is an extremely powerful tool that can help fall asleep. If there are problems with sleep, then there will be time at night to tune your mind to sleep. Use the time that would otherwise be spent walking and swiveling more productively.
Work — if you are a person who loses productivity in a particular part of the day, take a pause or go out to meditate a little.

10. Make meditation part of your life

One of the reasons why people do not meditate is because meditation is not included in the day plan, so it is not part of their lives. Include regular meditation in your day plan. If you say that it’s part of your life and realise the benefits — you’ll never miss any session again.

Making meditation a habit — you will be a step closer to progress and to arrange your mental health.

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